Hunter / The Boy

The titular character whose live we see unfold over the course of the Acts, from birth to death. Son of Ms. Terri, Hunter is born away from the City and tends toward the extremes of naivety when exposed to the reality of things like prostitution, corruption, and war.


The Pimp and The Priest

A single man who by day works as a priest in the City and by night dons a mask and runs The Dime. Cruel and conniving, but not a puppeteer like Mr. Usher.

Ms. Leading

A prostitute working at The Dime. Roughly the same age as Hunter, and the primary focus of Act II.

Mr. Usher

A mastermind in the shadows, deft at influencing others to do what he wants while ensuring his own hands remain clean. Arrives in the City in Act V and “ushers in” the conflict between Hunter and The Pimp and the Priest.

Ms. Terri

Mother of Hunter and a prostitute employed by The Pimp. At the beginning of the story Ms. Terri flees the City with baby Hunter, but she is eventually forced to return to working for The Pimp to make ends meet. She lives with Hunter by the Lake and is driven into the City to meet clientele.

The Father

An older soldier Hunter meets during the war in Act III. Hunter and Chase's father. Not a particularly nice person.

The Son

Chase, a soldier Hunter meets during the war in Act III who turns out to be Hunter’s half-brother.

The Fiancée

Former lover of Chase, The Son, and lover of Hunter after he assumes Chase’s identity.